Roblox Launcher for PC

Launcher icon for Roblox

A launcher is a special application designed to launch a particular game. Today, we’ll specifically discuss Roblox. Below, you’ll find an overview of the software, instructions for proper installation, and at the very end of the page, you can download the program for free via a direct link.

Application Description

Let’s start with the basics. In this case, the Roblox Player launcher can serve several roles. Firstly, it can be an application from the developer. Secondly, we might be dealing with a modified edition, for instance, one with integrated cheats. And thirdly, creators of such software often equip the client with additional features like modifications, maps, skins, and more.

Roblox Launcher

Each of the scenarios mentioned above will be shown in a step-by-step guide below.

Note: If you’re using a launcher for Roblox with cheats, be sure to disable your antivirus before installing the program. Otherwise, the antivirus might delete the entire program or part of it.

How to Install

Let’s move on to the installation. Here’s how to download and install the Roblox launcher for PC or phone for free.

On a Computer

First, let’s talk about the computer since the desktop platform is much more popular among users of this game. You need to follow this scenario:

  1. First, go to the end of this page and download the archive you find there. Next, unpack the executable file and launch it with a double left-click.

Starting Roblox installation

  1. The application installation will begin. You need to wait a bit here. Usually, the process does not take long, often requiring no more than a few dozen seconds.

Roblox launcher installation progress

  1. In a few minutes, the installation will be completed, and all that remains for the user is to click the marked button on the screenshot to close the installer.

Completing Roblox installation

On a Phone

Next, let’s figure out how to install the Roblox launcher on a smartphone running the Google Android operating system:

  1. Again, go to the end of this guide and download the required APK file from the download section. Launch the obtained executable components, and if the system issues a warning about the inability to install from unknown sources, click the button marked with the number “2”.
  2. Go to the page with the necessary settings section and activate the function that allows you to install games and programs from APK files.

Starting Roblox launcher installation on phone

  1. Now we can continue: click the “Install” button, wait for the installation process to complete, and close the installer by clicking “Done”.

Completing Roblox installation for Android

That’s it. The Roblox launcher is installed on the phone.

It is important to understand that the same cannot be done on an iPhone. The “Apple” iOS operating system is arranged in such a way that games and programs are installed exclusively from the AppStore.


Now that we have thoroughly covered the theory, you can move on to practice and download the required file for your platform. There is nothing complicated about the installation, and no problems should arise if you carefully follow the attached instructions.

Download Roblox launcher for PC

Roblox launcher PC

Download Roblox launcher for PC + cheats

Roblox launcher Cheats

Download Roblox launcher for phone

Roblox launcher Android

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