How to quickly remove friends on Roblox

Icon how to remove a friend in Roblox

How to quickly remove friends in Roblox? This question is often asked by both beginners and experienced players of the popular multiplayer platform. To clarify the situation once and for all and answer all the questions that arise, you should read the visual guide with screenshots attached below. It explains how to remove friends from the game using a computer or phone.

Using an Extension

The fastest and most convenient way to remove people from your profile, with whom you no longer wish to have dealings, is by using a special extension. It can be downloaded and installed for free through the Chrome browser. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download the “Roblox Friend Removal Button” extension. To do this, click on the button with three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser and go to the “More tools” section.

Searching for the Roblox Friend Removal Button extension

  1. Select the “Extensions” section. Then go to the “Open Chrome Web Store” tab.

Going to the extensions store in Chrome

  1. Use the search bar to find the desired extension and click on it.

Selecting an extension from the store

  1. Then click the “Add to Chrome” button.

Roblox Friend Removal Button installation button

  1. Confirm the installation by clicking the appropriate button, as shown in the screenshot below.

Confirming the installation of Roblox Friend Removal Button

  1. Go to your profile and navigate to the “Friends” section. A small delete button will appear next to each friend’s name. Click on it. The friend will be removed instantly without any confirmations.

Delete friend button in Roblox

With this simple method, you can remove all friends from your profile in just a few seconds.

Official Method

You can also remove a person using another method. It is also very simple but will take a bit more time. You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Go to your account and click on the “Friends” section.

Removing friends from Roblox

  1. Select the desired person and go to their profile. Click the “Unfriend” button.

Removing a friend from Roblox through their profile

With this method, you can remove unwanted people from both your PC and through the phone app.

Removing Friends in Roblox from a Phone

To remove unwanted people from your account using a mobile device, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the main game page and click on the button with three dots at the bottom right corner.

Removing friends via phone

  1. Go to the “Friends” section.

Selecting the friends section in Roblox

  1. Select the friend you want to remove.

Selecting a friend to remove in Roblox

  1. Go to their profile and click the “Unfriend” button.

Removing a friend in Roblox from mobile

Done. The guide is now complete, and if you have any questions after reading it, you can ask them through the comments form below.

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