Roblox Plus extension

Roblox Plus Icon

If you want to gain certain advantages in this game, one way to do so is by installing third-party software. In this article, we are discussing a browser add-on called Roblox Plus. Note that this program is only supported within the Google Chrome browser and other Chromium-based browsers (such as Yandex Browser or Opera).

Previously, the extension was also supported by Mozilla Firefox. However, in 2001, the developers of “Firefox” removed plugins from their official store.

What is this Extension?

First, let’s consider what this add-on is and what benefits it will provide for you. It’s quite simple:

  • Automatic volume control.
  • Choice of one of two voices – male or female.
  • Notification of new items in the store.
  • Sound when a deal is made.
  • Notification of successful external trading.
  • Notification of successful transaction completion.
  • Sound when another player rejects a trade.
  • Sound for group shoutouts.
  • Improved name pronunciation.
  • Displaying the user’s RAP slightly below their nickname.
  • Embedding YouTube videos.
  • Adjusting the size of embedded images.
  • Refreshing requests without reloading the page.
  • Real-time monitoring of currency exchange rates without refreshing the page.
  • Adding the current Robux exchange rate.
  • Notification when items are created or updated.

Roblox+ Extension

There are many other features, but we won’t cover them all to avoid making this article too long.

How to Install

Let’s move on to the detailed step-by-step instructions with screenshots on how to install Roblox Plus in your browser:

  1. First, go to the bottom of the page and click the button that redirects you to the extension’s homepage, where you can download it.

Roblox+ Installation Button

  1. Confirm your intention by clicking the element marked with a red line.

Roblox+ Installation Confirmation

  1. In some cases, the extension icon does not appear in its place. Let’s fix this. Click the button marked in the screenshot below.

Google Chrome Extension Settings Button

  1. In the drop-down list, find Roblox+ and pin the plugin.

Enabling Roblox+ Extension

Now the extension icon will appear in its designated place. You can manage the settings from there.

Roblox+ Extension Icon

Note: Roblox Plus for Android phones does not exist!


You can now proceed to download the extension for free from its website.

Download Roblox Plus for PC

Roblox Plus

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